Terraform Conditionals
You can use if conditions in combination with Terraform functions at the end of a resoruce to determine if the resource should be created.
Here's a pseudo-code (mostly there) example of creating pipelines based on specific conditions.
locals {
minimal_pipeline_definitions = [
working_dir = "myproject/iam"
tfvars = "dev"
terraform_version = "0.13.7"
working_dir = "myproject/datalake"
tfvars = "dev"
terraform_version = "0.14.6"
working_dir = "a-new-project/not-ready"
tfvars = "dev"
terraform_version = "0.14.6"
is_test = true # use the new pipeline test yamls for testing this project
pipeline_type_override = ci # build only a CI pipeline for this project until we're ready to deploy
all_pipelines = merge(local.ci_pipelines_generated, local.cd_pipelines_generated, local.custom_pipelines_generated)
ci_pipelines_generated = {
# Build CI pipelines
# Conditions: pipeline_type_override is set to 'ci' or pipeline_type_override is undefined.
for pipeline in local.pipeline_list :
# if is_test - will point to test YAMLs in relevant variable and add in those variables to pipeline def.
# if is override_template - override yaml to read other yaml provided
# CI pipelines
replace(replace("ci_${pipeline.working_dir}_${pipeline.tfvars}", "-", "_"), " ", "_") => {
concurrency = lookup(pipeline, "concurrency", 0)
name = replace(replace("ci-${pipeline.working_dir}-${pipeline.tfvars}", "_", "-"), " ", "")
pipeline_variables = lookup(pipeline, "pipeline_variables", {
WORKING_DIR = pipeline.working_dir
ENV = pipeline.tfvars
TERRAFORM_VERSION = pipeline.terraform_version
tags = compact(distinct(concat(local.default_pipeline_config.pipeline_tags, try(pipeline.tags, []), ["ci"]))) # Merge all tags into one group, remove duplicates and empty elements.
template = "${try(pipeline.is_test, false) ? "test-" : ""}ci-${try(pipeline.override_template, "terraform-pipeline.yaml")}" # if is_test, prefix with test-, if override_template is defined use that but prefix with ci, else use the common use case and prefix with ci.
triggers = lookup(pipeline, "triggers", [
# ... trigger definitions for CI pipelines
} if try(pipeline.pipeline_type_override, "") == "ci" || try(pipeline.pipeline_type_override, "") == ""
cd_pipelines_generated = {
# Build CD pipelines
# Conditions: pipeline_type_override is set to 'cd' or pipeline_type_override is undefined.
for pipeline in local.pipeline_list :
# if is_test - will point to test YAMLs in relevant variable and add in those variables to pipeline def.
# if is override_template - override yaml to read other yaml provided
replace(replace("cd_${pipeline.working_dir}_${pipeline.tfvars}", "-", "_"), " ", "_") => {
concurrency = lookup(pipeline, "concurrency", 1)
name = replace(replace("deploy-${pipeline.working_dir}-${pipeline.tfvars}", "_", "-"), " ", "")
pipeline_variables = lookup(pipeline, "pipeline_variables", {
WORKING_DIR = pipeline.working_dir
ENV = pipeline.tfvars
TERRAFORM_VERSION = pipeline.terraform_version
template = "${try(pipeline.is_test, false) ? "test-" : ""}deploy-${try(pipeline.override_template, "terraform-pipeline.yaml")}" # complex conditions, ifs within ifs; e.g. if is_test, prefix with test-, if override_template is defined use that but prefix with ci, else use the common use case and prefix with ci.
triggers = lookup(pipeline, "triggers", [
# ... triggers for CD pipelines
} if try(pipeline.pipeline_type_override, "") == "cd" || try(pipeline.pipeline_type_override, "") == ""
custom_pipelines_generated = {
# Build custom spec pipelines (for when the assumed defaults won't work at all)
# Conditions: pipeline_type_override is set to 'cd' or pipeline_type_override is undefined.
for pipeline in local.pipeline_list :
# if is_test - will point to test YAMLs in relevant variable and add in those variables to pipeline def.
join("_", ["custom_", replace(replace(pipeline.name, "-", "_"), " ", "_")]) => {
concurrency = lookup(pipeline, "concurrency", 1) # use lookups to allow overrides
# there would be a very verbose pipeline structure here to allow for edge cases
} if try(pipeline.pipeline_type_override, "") == "custom"
The above example includes conditionally creating a resource by ending it with an if statement:
for pipeline in local.pipeline_list :
replace(replace("ci_${pipeline.working_dir}_${pipeline.tfvars}", "-", "_"), " ", "_") => {
} if try(pipeline.pipeline_type_override, "") == "ci" || try(pipeline.pipeline_type_override, "") == ""
It also includes using if conditions within the template/go templating syntax, for example, when determining which yaml file the pipeline should use.
template = "${try(pipeline.is_test, false) ? "test-" : ""}ci-${try(pipeline.override_template, "terraform-pipeline.yaml")}"
Breaking down the above if conditions we can read it as:
If the customer provided is_test within the pipeline definition as a boolean with the value of true
then prefix the filename with "test-" otherwise, we don't prefix the filename at all.
We always prefix this filename in this loop with ci-
and then we determine if the customer wanted to set a custom yaml file for their pipeline defintion,
otherwise we provide a recommened default.